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Professional who evaluates, diagnoses, treats and studies beliefs and mental processes

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Names Psychologist
Competencies Psychotherapy, psychological assessment and testing, depends on specialty

Education required

Differs by location and specialty, Available's degree with honors in Psychology, Main'southward degree in Psychology, PsyD or PhD

Fields of

Clinical neuropsychology, clinical, Medical, customs, counselling, educational and developmental, forensic, wellness, organisational or sport and do

Related jobs

A psychologist is a professional who practices psychology and studies normal and abnormal mental states, perceptual, cerebral, emotional, and social processes and behavior past experimenting with, and observing, interpreting, and recording how individuals relate to one another and to their environments. [1]

Psychologists usually acquire a 4-year bachelor's caste with honors in psychology, followed by a master'southward degree or doctorate in psychology. Dissimilar psychiatrists, psychologists usually cannot prescribe medication, although in some jurisdictions psychologists practise accept prescription privileges. Psychologists receive extensive training in psychological test administration, scoring, estimation, and reporting, while psychiatrists are not trained in psychological testing.

Psychologists can work with a range of institutions and people, such as schools, prisons, in a private clinic, in a workplace, or with a sports team. [2]

To become a psychologist, a person often completes a caste in psychology, just in other jurisdictions the course of written report may be unlike and the activities performed may be similar to those of other professionals. [3]

Applied psychology applies theory to solve bug in human and animal behavior. Applied fields include clinical psychology, counseling psychology, sport psychology, forensic psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, health psychology and schoolhouse psychology. [4] Licensing and regulations can vary by state and profession. [5]

Australia [ edit ]

In Commonwealth of australia, the psychology profession, and the use of the title "psychologist", is regulated by an Deed of Parliament, the Health Practitioner Regulation (Administrative Arrangements) National Police force Human activity 2008, post-obit an agreement between state and territorial governments. Under this national constabulary, registration of psychologists is administered by the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA). [6] Earlier July 2010, the professional registration of psychologists was governed by diverse state and territorial Psychology Registration Boards. [7] The Australian Psychology Accreditation Quango (APAC) oversees education standards for the profession.

The minimum requirements for full general registration in psychology, including the right to utilize the title "psychologist", are an APAC approved four-twelvemonth degree in psychology followed by either a two-year master'due south program or two years of practice supervised by a registered psychologist. [8] [9] Even so, AHPRA (Australian Wellness Practitioner Regulation Agency) is currently in the process of phasing out the four + 2 internship pathway. [ten] Once the four + 2 pathway is phased out, a master's degree or PhD will exist required to become a psychologist in Australia. This is considering of concerns about public safety, and to reduce the brunt of training on employers. [eleven] There is likewise a '5 + 1' registration pathway, including a four-year APAC approved degree followed by one year of postgraduate study and one year of supervised do. [12] [xiii] Endorsement inside a specific expanse of practice [a] requires additional qualifications. [fourteen] These notations are not "specialist" titles (Western Australian psychologists could use "specialist" in their titles during a 3-year transitional period from 17 October 2010 to 17 October 2013). [15] [sixteen] [17]

Membership with Australian Psychological Society (APS) differs from registration equally a psychologist. The standard route to full membership (MAPS) of the APS usually requires iv years of APAC-accredited undergraduate report, plus a master's or doctorate in psychology from an accredited institution. An alternate route is bachelor for academics and practitioners who have gained advisable feel and fabricated a substantial contribution to the field of psychology.

Restrictions utilize to all individuals using the title "psychologist" in all states and territories of Australia. Yet, the terms "psychotherapist", "social worker", and "counselor" are currently self-regulated, with several organizations candidature for government regulation. [b]

Belgium [ edit ]

Since 1933, the title "psychologist" has been protected by law in Belgium. It can only exist used by people who are on the National Government Commission listing. The minimum requirement is the completion of five years of academy training in psychology (master's caste or equivalent). The championship of "psychotherapist" is not legally protected. Equally of 2016, Belgian law recognizes the clinical psychologist as an autonomous health profession. It reserves the practice of psychotherapy to medical doctors, clinical psychologists and clinical orthopedagogists. [18]

Canada [ edit ]

A professional in the U.S. or Canada must hold a graduate degree in psychology (MA, Psy.D., Ed.D., or Ph.D.), or have a provincial license to apply the title psychologist. [xix]

Republic of finland [ edit ]

In Finland, the championship "psychologist" is protected by law. The restriction for psychologists (licensed professionals) is governed by National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Finland) (Valvira). [20] Information technology takes 330 ECTS-credits (nearly six years) to consummate the university studies (primary's degree). There are near 6,200 licensed psychologists in Republic of finland. [21]

Germany [ edit ]

In Germany, the use of the championship Diplom-Psychologe (Dipl.-Psych.) is restricted past law, and a practitioner is legally required to concord the corresponding academic championship, which is comparable to a One thousand.Sc. degree and requires at least five years of training at a university. Originally, a diploma degree in psychology awarded in Federal republic of germany included the subject of clinical psychology. With the Bologna-reform, this caste was replaced past a master's caste. The academic degree of Diplom-Psychologe or M.Sc. (Psychologie) does non include a psychotherapeutic qualification, which requires 3 to five years of additional grooming. The psychotherapeutic preparation combines in-depth theoretical noesis with supervised patient care and self-reflection units. After having completed the grooming requirements, psychologists accept a state-run exam, which, upon successful completion (Approbation), confers the official championship of "psychological psychotherapist" (Psychologischer Psychotherapeut). [22] After many years of inter-professional political controversy, not-md psychotherapy was given an acceptable legal foundation through the cosmos of two new bookish healthcare professions. [23]

Greece [ edit ]

Since 1979, the title "psychologist" has been protected by police in Greece. It can only be used by people who hold a relevant license or certificate, which is issued by the Greek authorities, to practise as a psychologist. The minimum requirement is the completion of academy training in psychology at a Greek university, or at a academy recognized by the Greek regime. [24] Psychologists in Greece are legally required to bide by the Lawmaking of Conduct of Psychologists (2019). [25] Psychologists in Greece are not required to annals with any psychology body in the country in order to legally practice the profession.

India [ edit ]

In India, "clinical psychologist" is specifically defined in the Mental Health Deed, 2017. [26] An MPhil in Clinical Psychology degree of two years duration recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India is required to utilise for registration as a clinical psychologist. This procedure has been criticized by some stakeholders since clinical psychology is non limited to the area of rehabilitation. [27] [28] [29] Titles such every bit "advisor" or "psychotherapist" are not protected at present. In other words, an individual may telephone call themselves a "psychotherapist" or "advisor" without having earned a graduate caste in clinical psychology or another mental health field, and without having to register with the Rehabilitation Council of India. [28]

New Zealand [ edit ]

In New Zealand, the use of the championship "psychologist" is restricted by police force. Prior to 2004, only the title "registered psychologist" was restricted to people qualified and registered every bit such. However, with the proclamation of the Health Practitioners Competence Balls Act, in 2003, the use of the title "psychologist" was express to practitioners registered with the New Zealand Psychologists Board. The titles "clinical psychologist", "counseling psychologist", "educational psychologist", "intern psychologist", and "trainee psychologist" are similarly protected. [xxx] This is to protect the public past providing assurance that the title-holder is registered and therefore qualified and competent to practise, and can be held accountable. The legislation does non include an exemption clause for any class of practitioner (e.g., academics, or government employees).

Norway [ edit ]

In Norway, the title "psychologist" is restricted by law and tin only exist obtained by completing a 6-twelvemonth integrated program, leading to the Candidate of Psychology degree. Psychologists are considered health personnel, and their work is regulated through the "wellness personnel human activity". [31]

South Africa [ edit ]

In South Africa, [32] psychologists are qualified in either clinical, counseling, educational, organizational, or inquiry psychology.

To become qualified, one must complete a recognized master'south degree in Psychology, an appropriate practicum at a recognized training establishment, [33] and take an exam set up past the Professional Lath for Psychology. [34] Registration with the Health Professions Council of Due south Africa (HPCSA) [35] is required and includes a Standing Professional person Development component.

The practicum usually involves a full year internship, and in some specializations, the HPCSA requires completion of an additional year of community service. The master'due south programme consists of seminars, coursework-based theoretical and practical training, and a dissertation of limited telescopic, and is (in most cases) two years in elapsing. Prior to enrolling in the chief'due south program, the pupil studies psychology for iii years as an undergraduate (B.A. or B.Sc., and, for organizational psychology, too B.Com.), followed by an additional postgraduate honours degree in psychology; meet List of universities in South Africa. Qualification thus requires at least five years of study, and at least one of internship.

The undergraduate B.Psyc. is a four-year program integrating theory and practical training, and—with the required examination prepare past the Professional Board for Psychology—is sufficient for do equally a psychometrist or counselor. [36]

United Kingdom [ edit ]

In the Britain, "registered psychologist" and "practitioner psychologist" are protected titles. [37] The title of "neuropsychologist" is non protected. [37] In addition, the following specialist titles are besides protected by law: "clinical psychologist", "counselling psychologist", "educational psychologist", "forensic psychologist", "wellness psychologist", "occupational psychologist" and "sport and exercise psychologist". [38] The Health and Care Professions Quango (HCPC) is the statutory regulator for practitioner psychologists in the UK. In the Uk, the employ of the title "chartered psychologist" is also protected by statutory regulation, just that championship simply means that the psychologist is a chartered member of the British Psychological Society, but is not necessarily registered with the HCPC. Still, it is illegal for someone who is non in the appropriate department of the HCPC register to provide psychological services. [39] The requirement to annals as a clinical, counselling, or educational psychologist is a professional doctorate (and in the instance of the latter 2 the British Psychological Society's Professional Qualification, which meets the standards of a professional doctorate). [40] The title of "psychologist", by itself, is not protected. [37] The British Psychological Gild is working with the HCPC to ensure that the title of "neuropsychologist" is regulated as a specialist championship for practitioner psychologists. [41]

Employment [ edit ]

Every bit of December 2012 [update] , in the United Kingdom, at that place are 19,000 practitioner psychologists registered [42] across vii categories: clinical psychologist, counselling psychologist, educational psychologist, forensic psychologist, wellness psychologist, occupational psychologist, sport and exercise psychologist. At least nine,500 of these are clinical psychologists, [43] which is the largest group of psychologists in clinical settings such equally the NHS. Around two,000 are educational psychologists. [44]

United States [ edit ]

Education and grooming [ edit ]

In the United States and Canada, full membership in each country's professional clan—American Psychological Clan (APA) and Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), respectively—requires doctoral training (except in some Canadian provinces, such equally Alberta, where a master'south degree is sufficient). [c] The minimal requirement for full membership can be waived in circumstances where there is testify that significant contribution or performance in the field of psychology has been made. Associate membership requires at to the lowest degree two years of postgraduate studies in psychology or an approved related discipline. [45]

Some U.S. schools offering accredited programs in clinical psychology resulting in a master'southward degree. Such programs can range from 40-viii to eighty-four units, near often taking two to 3 years to complete after the undergraduate degree. Training usually emphasizes theory and treatment over research, quite often with a focus on school or couples and family counseling. Similar to doctoral programs, master's level students usually must complete a clinical practicum nether supervision; some programs also crave a minimum amount of personal psychotherapy. [46] While many graduates from primary'south level grooming get on to doctoral psychology programs, a big number also become directly into practise—frequently equally a licensed professional counselor (LPC), marriage and family unit therapist (MFT), or other like licensed practice, which varies by state. [47]

There is stiff competition to gain acceptance into clinical psychology doctoral programs (acceptance rates of 2–5% are non uncommon). Clinical psychologists in the U.S. undergo many years of graduate preparation—usually five to 7 years after the available's degree—to proceeds demonstrable competence and experience. Licensure as a psychologist may take an additional one to ii years mail service-PhD/PsyD. Some states require a one-year postdoctoral residency, while others practice not crave postdoctoral supervised experience and allow psychology graduates to sit for the licensure exam immediately. Some psychology specialties, such as clinical neuropsychology, require a 2-year postdoctoral feel regardless of the land, as set forth in the Houston Conference Guidelines. Today in America, about half of all clinical psychology graduate students are being trained in PhD programs that emphasize inquiry and are conducted by universities—with the other half in PsyD programs, which accept more than focus on practice (similar to professional person degrees for medicine and police). [48] Both types of doctoral programs (PhD and PsyD) envision practicing clinical psychology in a enquiry-based, scientifically-valid manner, and almost are accredited past the American Psychological Association. [49]

APA accreditation [50] is very important for U.S. clinical, counseling, and schoolhouse psychology programs because graduating from a non-accredited doctoral program may adversely affect employment prospects and nowadays a hurdle for becoming licensed in some jurisdictions. [51] [52] [53] [54]

Doctorate (PhD and PsyD) programs usually involve some variation on the post-obit v to 7 twelvemonth, 90–120 unit curriculum:

  • Bases of behavior—biological, cerebral-melancholia, and cultural-social
  • Individual differences—personality, lifespan development, psychopathology
  • History and systems—evolution of psychological theories, practices and scientific noesis
  • Clinical practise—diagnostics, psychological assessment, psychotherapeutic interventions, psychopharmacology, upstanding and legal issues
  • Coursework in statistics and inquiry design
  • Clinical feel
    • Practicum—normally three or four years of working with clients under supervision in a clinical setting. Most practicum placements begin in either the offset or second year of doctoral training.
    • Doctoral internship—unremarkably an intensive ane or two-year placement in a clinical setting
  • Dissertation—PhD programs usually require original quantitative empirical inquiry, while PsyD dissertations involve original quantitative or qualitative research, theoretical scholarship, program evaluation or evolution, disquisitional literature analysis or clinical application and assay. The dissertation typically takes two–3 years to complete.
  • Specialized electives—many programs offer sets of elective courses for specializations, such equally health, child/boyish, family, community, or neuropsychology.
  • Personal psychotherapy—many programs require students to undertake a certain number of hours of personal psychotherapy (with a not-faculty therapist) although in recent years this requirement has go less frequent.
  • Comprehensive exams or master'south thesis: a thesis can involve original data collection and is distinct from a dissertation.

Psychologists can be seen as practicing within ii general categories of psychology: health service psychology, which includes "practitioners" or "professionals" and research-oriented psychology which includes "scientists" or "scholars." The preparation models (Boulder and Vail models) endorsed by the American Psychological Clan (APA) require that health service psychologists be trained equally both researchers and practitioners, [d] and that they possess avant-garde degrees.

Psychologists typically have one of ii degrees: PsyD or PhD. The PsyD plan prepares the educatee primarily equally a practitioner for clinical practice (e.k., testing, psychotherapy), but likewise as a scholar that consumes research. Depending on the specialty (industrial/organizational, social, clinical, school, etc.), a PhD may be trained in clinical exercise also as in scientific methodology, to prepare for a career in academia or inquiry. Both the PsyD and PhD programs prepare students to take the national psychology licensing test, the Examination for the Professional Exercise of Psychology (EPPP).

Inside the two chief categories are many further types of psychologists as reflected by APA's 54 Divisions, which are specialty or subspecialty or topical areas, [55] including clinical, counseling, and school psychologists. Such professionals work with persons in a variety of therapeutic contexts. People often think of the discipline as involving only such clinical or counseling psychologists. While counseling and psychotherapy are common activities for psychologists, these health service psychology fields are merely two branches in the larger domain of psychology. [56] There are other classifications such as industrial and organizational and community psychologists, whose professionals mainly utilise psychological research, theories, and techniques to "existent-earth" problems of business organization, industry, social do good organizations, authorities, [57] [58] [59] and academia.

APA-Recognized Specialties [lx] [ edit ]

Clinical psychologists receive preparation in a number of psychological therapies, including behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, existential, psychodynamic, and systemic approaches, also as in-depth training in psychological testing, and to some extent, neuropsychological testing. [61]

Services [ edit ]

Clinical psychologists tin offering a range of professional services, including: [62]

  • Psychological treatment (psychotherapy)
  • Administering, scoring, and interpreting psychological tests
  • Prescribing medications (in some States)
  • Conducting psychological research
  • Teaching
  • Developing prevention programs
  • Consulting
  • Plan administration
  • Practiced testimony
  • Supervision of students or other mental health professionals

In practice, clinical psychologists might work with individuals, couples, families, or groups in a multifariousness of settings, including individual practices, hospitals, community mental health centers, schools, businesses, and non-profit agencies.

Virtually clinical psychologists who appoint in research and education do so inside a college or university setting. Clinical psychologists may also cull to specialize in a particular field.

Prescription privileges [ edit ]

Psychologists in the Usa campaigned for legislative changes to enable peculiarly-trained psychologists to prescribe psychotropic medications. Legislation in Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Illinois has granted those who complete an additional chief's degree program in clinical psychopharmacology permission to prescribe medications for mental and emotional disorders. [63] Equally of 2019 [update] , Louisiana is the only state where the licensing and regulation of the practise of medical psychology by medical psychologists (MPs) is regulated by a medical board (the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners) rather than a board of psychologists. [64] While other states have pursued prescriptive privileges, they accept non succeeded. Similar legislation in the states of Hawaii and Oregon passed through their respective legislative bodies, just in each case the legislation was vetoed past the land'southward governor. [63]

In 1989, the U.South Department of Defense was directed to create the Psychopharmacology Sit-in Project (PDP). Past 1997, ten psychologists were trained in psychopharmacology and granted the ability to prescribe psychiatric medications. [65]

Licensure [ edit ]

The practice of clinical psychology requires a license in the United states and Canada. Although each of the U.South. states is different in terms of requirements and licenses (see [66] and [67] for examples), at that place are 3 common requirements: [68]

  1. Graduation from an accredited schoolhouse with the appropriate degree
  2. Completion of supervised clinical experience
  3. Passing a written and/or oral exam

All U.S. country and Canada provincial licensing boards are members of the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) which created and maintains the Examination for Professional person Practice in Psychology (EPPP). Many states require other examinations in addition to the EPPP, such every bit a jurisprudence (i.due east., mental health police force) examination or an oral examination. [68] Nearly all states also crave a sure number of continuing educational activity credits per year in order to renew a license. Licensees can obtain this through various means, such as taking audited classes and attending approved workshops.

There are professions whose scope of practice overlaps with the exercise of psychology (particularly with respect to providing psychotherapy) and for which a license is required.

Ambiguity of title [ edit ]

To exercise with the title of "psychologist," in almost all cases a doctoral degree is required (PhD, PsyD, or EdD in the U.S.). Normally, afterwards the degree, the practitioner must fulfill a sure number of supervised postdoctoral hours ranging from one,500 to 3,000 (usually taking 1 to two years), and passing the EPPP and any other land or provincial exams. [69] More often than not, a professional in the U.S. must concur a doctoral degree in psychology (PsyD, EdD, or PhD), and/or have a land license to apply the title psychologist. [19] [70] Even so, regulations vary from state to state. For example, in usa of Michigan, West Virginia, and Vermont, at that place are psychologists licensed at the master's level.

Differences with psychiatrists [ edit ]

Although clinical psychologists and psychiatrists share the same cardinal aim—the consolation of mental distress—their preparation, outlook, and methodologies are often unlike. Perhaps the almost significant difference is that psychiatrists are licensed physicians, and, equally such, psychiatrists are apt to use the medical model to assess mental health problems and to also employ psychotropic medications as a method of addressing mental wellness problems. [71]

Psychologists generally do not prescribe medication, although in some jurisdictions they do accept prescription privileges. In five U.South. states (New Mexico, Louisiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Idaho), psychologists with clinical psychopharmacology training have been granted prescriptive authority for mental health disorders. [72] [73]

Psychologists receive extensive preparation in psychological test assistants, scoring, interpretation, and reporting, while psychiatrists are not trained in psychological testing. In addition, psychologists (particularly those from PhD programs) spend several years in graduate school being trained to behave behavioral enquiry; their training includes inquiry blueprint and advanced statistical analysis. While this preparation is bachelor for physicians via dual Doctor/PhD programs, it is not typically included in standard medical instruction, although psychiatrists may develop research skills during their residency or a psychiatry fellowship (post-residency). Psychologists from PsyD programs tend to accept more training and experience in clinical practice (east.k. psychotherapy, testing) than those from PhD programs.

Psychiatrists, equally licensed physicians, have been trained more intensively in other areas, such as internal medicine and neurology, and may bring this knowledge to bear in identifying and treating medical or neurological atmospheric condition that present with primarily psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, or paranoia (e.g., hypothyroidism presenting with depressive symptoms, or pulmonary embolism with significant apprehension and anxiety). [74]

Mental health professions [ edit ]

  • Wedlock and Family unit Therapist (MFT). An MFT license requires a doctorate or master'south degree. In addition, it commonly involves two years of postal service-degree clinical experience under supervision, and licensure requires passing a written exam, unremarkably the National Test for Union and Family Therapists, which is maintained by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. In addition, most states require an oral exam. MFTs, equally the title implies, work mostly with families and couples, addressing a broad range of common psychological problems. [81] Some jurisdictions take exemptions that let someone practice marriage and family therapy without meeting the requirements for a license. That is, they offer a license but practise non crave that marriage and family therapists obtain 1. [82] [ self-published source? ]
  • Licensed Professional person Counselor (LPC). Similar to the MFT, the LPC license requires a master's or doctorate degree, a minimum number of hours of supervised clinical experience in a pre-dr. practicum, and the passing of the National Counselor Exam. Similar licenses are the Licensed Mental Wellness Counselor (LMHC), Licensed Clinical Professional person Counselor (LCPC), and Clinical Counselor in Mental Health (CCMH). In some states, after passing the exam, a temporary LPC license is awarded and the clinician may begin the normal 3000-hr supervised internship leading to the full license allowing to do equally a counselor or psychotherapist, usually under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. [83] Some jurisdictions have exemptions that let counseling to practice without meeting the requirements for a license. That is, they offer a license but do not require that counselors obtain one. [82]
  • Licensed Psychological Acquaintance (LPA) Twenty-vi states offering a master's-only license, a common one being the LPA, which allows for the therapist to either practice independently, or, more commonly, under the supervision of a licensed psychologist, depending on the state. [84] Common requirements are two to iv years of post-primary's supervised clinical experience and passing a Psychological Assembly Examination. Other titles for this level of licensing include psychological technician (Alabama), psychological banana (California), licensed clinical psychotherapist (Kansas), licensed psychological practitioner (Minnesota), licensed behavioral practitioner (Oklahoma), licensed psychological acquaintance (Due north Carolina) or psychological examiner (Tennessee).
  • Licensed behavior analysts

Licensed behavior analysts are licensed in 5 states to provide services for clients with substance corruption, developmental disabilities, and mental illness. This profession draws on the testify base of applied behavior analysis and the philosophy of behaviorism. Behavior analysts have at least a master'southward degree in behavior analysis or in a mental wellness related discipline, equally well as having taken at least five core courses in applied beliefs analysis. Many behavior analysts have a doctorate. Nearly programs take a formalized internship plan, and several programs are offered online. Most practitioners have passed the examination offered by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board The model licensing act for behavior analysts tin can be establish at the Association for Behavior Analysis International'south website.

Employment [ edit ]

In the United states, of 170,200 jobs for psychologists, 152,000 are employed in clinical, counseling, and school positions; 2,300 are employed in industrial-organizational positions, and xv,900 are in "all other" positions.

The median bacon in the U.S. for clinical, counseling, and school psychologists in May 2020 was U.s.$79,820 [85] and the median salary for organizational psychologists in May 2019 was US$92,980. [one] [86]

Psychologists can work in applied or academic settings. Academic psychologists educate higher education students also as bear enquiry, with graduate-level research being an important part of academic psychology. Bookish positions tin be tenured or not-tenured, with tenured positions existence highly desirable. [87]

See also [ edit ]

Notes [ edit ]

  1. ^ e.m. clinical neuropsychology, clinical, customs, counselling, educational and developmental, forensic, health, organisational or sport and exercise
  2. ^ e.g. Australian Counseling Association and Psychotherapy and Counseling Federation of Commonwealth of australia
  3. ^ APA membership is not a requirement for licensure in any of the 50 The states states. This fact should not be dislocated with APA accreditation of graduate psychology programs and clinical internships.
  4. ^ See: Scientist–practitioner model and Practitioner–scholar model

References [ edit ]

  1. ^ a b U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook: Psychologists
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